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Zoo Hiring for 2021 Summer Season

Fort Wayne IN – The Zoo opens for the season in April, and we are searching for friendly and outgoing individuals to join our team. Summer Job Fair is being held Saturday, March 6. The Zoo Job Fair will look different this year and pre-registration will be required.

Summer job opportunities are available with the Zoo as well as with our onsite retail and concessions partner Service Systems Associates.

Zoo Job Fair 2021:

  • Pre-registration is required to attend and
  • Participants must pre-register at
  • Complete application and bring to the Job
  • The number of Job Fair participants will be carefully limited to allow for safe social
  • Face coverings will be

If you are unable to attend on March 6th, applications are accepted prior to and following the Job Fair.

For additional details, registration, and application forms, visit our website:

Job openings include Zoo Education Interpreters, Zoo Camp Counselors, Front Gate Associates, Food Concessions, Gift Shop, and Operations Support. All openings are temporary positions, ranging from 15 to 40 hours per week during the Zoo season (mid-April through mid-October). For more information, visit

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About the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo: The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo is northeast Indiana’s

largest tourist attraction, hosting more than 600,000 guests annually. The Zoo was voted

Indiana’s #1 “Gotta-Do Summer Attraction” and is consistently named one of the nation’s Top Ten Zoos for Kids by national media outlets.

The Zoo is a conservation leader, contributing annually to local, regional, and international efforts to protect wild animals and habitats. The Zoo cares for more than 1400 animals and participates in 63 cooperative species survival plans.

As a self-supporting facility, the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo receives no tax dollars for operations. The zoo’s operations are funded entirely by earned revenue and donations.

The Zoo will open for the 57th season April 24, 2021. Summer hours May through August are 9 am to 7 pm daily. April, September, and October Zoo hours are 9 am to 5 pm.
