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Learn from the Best on Animal Enrichment and Training Day

Fort Wayne IN – The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo invites guests to learn about the behaviors and training of animals through fun activities during Animal Enrichment and Training Day on Thursday, July 8th, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Animal Enrichment and Training Day allows guests to see firsthand some of the behaviors and training that the Zoo’s animals experience thanks to their amazing Zoo Keeper team. Through careful training and enrichment, Zoo Keepers can ensure that the animals have reinforced positive, healthy behaviors.

“Training and enrichment enhance the health and wellness of our animals” says Behavior Management Coordinator, Kaitlyn Wiktor. “It allows them to voluntarily participate in their own care while also giving them the opportunity to engage in the same natural behaviors seen by their wild cousins.”

Through various hands on activities, even the youngest zoo guest can learn about the enrichment and training that happens at the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo. Activities will highlight training and enrichment that animals at the zoo experience; with activities like a food feeder puzzle, and a clicker game based on positive reinforcement.

“Sharing these programs with our guests not only highlights our commitment to providing excellent animal care,” Wiktor said. “It’s also worth noting that guests can use the same animal training and enrichment principles that we use here at the zoo to train and enrich their animals at home.”

Animal Enrichment and Training Day activities are free with paid Zoo admission.



About the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo: The Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo is northeast Indiana’s largest tourist attraction, hosting more than 600,000 guests annually. The zoo was voted Indiana’s #1 “Gotta-Do Summer Attraction” and is consistently named one of the nation’s Top Ten Zoos for Kids by national media outlets.

The Zoo is a conservation leader, contributing annually to local, regional, and international efforts to protect wild animals and habitats. The Zoo cares for more than 1500 animals and participates in 63 cooperative species survival plans.

As a self-supporting facility, the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo receives no tax dollars for operations. The Zoo’s operations are funded entirely by earned revenue and donations.

Zoo is open 9 am to 7 pm through August. Fall hours – September and October 9 am to 5 pm. Admission is $11 for kids 2 to 18; $15 adults.
