Fort Wayne Zoo Home
Where Do Animals Go In The Winter?

Winter, in all of its frozen glory, is upon us. Since most of our animals live outside, we get a lot of questions about where our animals live during the off-season. It's different for every animal, but the basic answer is the same: they all stay at the Zoo! This might surprise people, since Indi ... Read More

Waddling Away With Our Hearts Part 2

After reading our first penguin post, you may think you're an expert on our tuxedo-wearing birds. Well, you may be, but we've got even more fun facts about the lovable creatures. A more commonly known fact about penguins may be this: our African penguins are known as "jackass penguins" due to the ... Read More

Waddling Away With Our Hearts Part 1

You've seen our tiny flightless friends at the zoo, but how much do you know about penguins- really? Yes, our African black-footed penguins may always look like they are wearing a tuxedo, but did you know that their dapper appearance actually has a purpose (besides being ridiculously adorable)? ... Read More
