Indiana, Michigan and Ohio
ACRES Land Trust, established in 1960 in Noble County, Indiana, is Indiana’s oldest and largest local land trust. What began as an organization protecting a single property in northeast Indiana, has grown into a conservation organization operating in 27 different counties in northeast Indiana, northern Ohio, and southern Michigan. ACRES Land Trust works to protect and preserve the natural lands found in regions of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan.

Why do they need our support?
Natural land is continuously being purchased and developed to keep up with the human population growth. Whether it is furthering city limits or developing a new housing addition, natural land continues to disappear. It is important to protect and preserve the natural spaces that remain in northeast Indiana, as well as northern Ohio and southern Michigan to protect the animal habitats that remain intact.
How is the Fort Wayne Zoo helping?
The Fort Wayne Zoo is a proud financial supporter of ACRES Land Trust. Money donated to ACRES Land Trust aids in acquiring additional land acreage underneath the organization’s protection, as well as maintaining and restoring land already acquired.