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Little River Wetlands Project

Little River Wetland ProjectNortheast Indiana

Founded in 1990, the Little River Wetlands Project is a nonprofit land trust that works towards preserving and restoring wetlands areas in northeast Indiana. The organization also works towards educating people on how to be good stewards of nature. The Little River Wetlands Project protects about 1,300 acres of Indiana wetlands including nature preserves in Huntington County and Allen County.

Little River Wetlands Project Map

Why do they need our support?

The preservation of natural ecosystems is very important because these natural areas give us food to eat, air to breathe, and freshwater to drink and water crops. These are all things humans need to live. To be a good steward of nature means to protect and preserve nature, so it remains healthy for many generations to come. Taking care of natural ecosystems also benefits the many species of animals that live within those ecosystems.

How is the Fort Wayne Zoo helping?

The Fort Wayne Zoo is a proud financial supporter of the Little River Wetlands Project. Money raised by this project helps keep the nature preserves in northeast Indiana clean and taken care of.
