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Protecting Our Flock

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When you see, Protecting Our Flock signs around the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo, it means the birds have been temporarily moved to their inside space for their safety.

To ensure the safety of the animals in our care, many of the birds have been moved inside as a precaution against the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

Several Midwest states, including Indiana, have identified this avian influenza in waterfowl, like ducks and geese, and domestic poulty, like turkeys. The primary risk to our birds comes from wild birds that land on Zoo grounds during migration, but transmission from humans who have had contact with an infected bird (for exmaple, stepping in bird waste and wearing those shoes throughout the Zoo) is also a risk.

For all of those reasons, everyone at the Zoo will be taking extra precautions to protect our flock. Some of our birds will remain outside and visible to guests, where their habitat provides protection.

We have an incredible Veterinary staff who are keeping a close eye as this influenza progresses and will continue to provide great care to our birds.

We appreciate your understanding. Your favorite winged friends will be back as soon as we get the all-clear that the risk of HPAI has passed.

Learn more at HPAI here:
